Thursday, September 23, 2010

A few little tidbits

It's been a while since the last update - so here's a glimpse of what's been happening.

I went to see a few companies, just to show my face, in Wellington.  The people are very accommodating and friendly, even if you don't have an appointment (which was the idea, btw.).

I obviously find the differences between South Africa and New Zealand quite interesting... but there are just too many to mention them all, so I will mention the ones I find particularly fascinating:

* No TV License fees.  Isn't that interesting... how can a country provide TV access (and something like 30 freeview channels) to 4.5 million viewers, and not need to charge TV licenses? (I'm just asking, I do NOT have the answer to this one...)
* Water is free, at least here in Wellington, and you can shower for as long as you like, or wash your car as often as you like... at no cost!  And no, before you say it, it doesn't rain here THAT often.
* The police service is truly incredible.  They handle all types of situations - from home disturbances to traffic violations, they do it all - and extremely efficiently as well, for instance if an accident happens on the highway, they will sort the problem out, have the road cleared and cleaned and traffic flowing - usually within half an hour to an hour.
* This place (all that I've seen so far) is CLEAN.  Virtually no rubbish lying around, people will pick up rubbish and throw it in the bin, even if it isn't theirs!  No hobos lying around and no vagrants either.

Anyway, I'll post a couple of pictures again, as usual.  Take a wild guess which one is me on the day of my 1st interview...?

The town of Mana - 5km from where I stay.
Mana 2

Mana 3

Mana 4 - might as well have been Jeffreys...

Me with Datacom and a couple of other buildings in the background
Yep, you guessed it.

OK, so that's it for now... I'll keep you posted on the progress of the interview!


  1. Jy lyk stunning my Boet, en dit is regtig 'n netjiese plek. Sal graag eendag dit eerstehands wil sien(beleef).

  2. Riaan, nadat ek jou post gelees het, het ek net weereens besef hoe gelukkig ons is om `n nuwe lewe buite SA te kon maak. Die irony rondom jou interesting facts oor NZ is dat daardie eindste 4 punte wat jy genoem het, actually die normale " way of living " is in meeste ander lande. Hier in Israel betaal ons ook nie TV lisensies nie EN ons het oor die 900 kanale om van te kies net vir die bedrag van 35 shekels (R70) `n maand. Ons betaal wel vir water. Dis `n fixed rate wat elke twee maande betaal word. Slegs 80 shekels (R160) en dit vir `n huisgesin van 5! Nie te sleg nie ne ?!

    Ek is ongelooflik bly vir jou en jou familie dat julle hierdie stap kon neem. Ek bid julle God se rykste seen en geluk toe op julle pad vorentoe. Good luck met die nuwe job en keep in touch :)

    * jammer vir die mixed language - jy ken die storie *

  3. My aarde Riaan!!!

    Jy sal nie glo hoe verbaas ek nou is nie, vir 'n paar jaar wat ek probeer kyk om jou op te spoor en hier vind ek jou!

    As jy my nie onthou nie... ons het saam groot geword in Mountain View, Pretoria, julle het so paar huise bo my ouma-hulle gebly, my ouma grootjie het daar op die hoek van Dphne laan gely. Ek dink dis so 15-16 jaar laas wat ek en jy mekaar gesien het toe jy nog 'n spin met my rooi Toyota RSI gevat het.

    Man en om te sien jy nou in New Zealand is, is net so interesant want ons is ook oppad soontoe, ons land 2 Feb 2012! Sal regtig naais wees om met jou te chat

